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Listing Options:

  • Add a new restaurant listing: $50 one-time setup fee, plus $30/month to be featured on our sidebar widget
  • Edit an existing listing: $30 one-time editing fee
  • Sidebar widget feature only: $30/month

Article Options:

  • Add a new article: $50 one-time fee

With over 5,000 customers visiting our site daily, your restaurant will be seen by many potential new customers. Take advantage of our affordable advertising options to gain exposure and drive more business to your restaurant.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be featured on one of the top restaurant review sites. Submit this form today to discuss the right listing or advertising package for your restaurant. We make it easy to promote your business and reach new patrons.

If you want to add your restaurant or edit an existing listing, please send me an email : yrosa968 [at]

For general inquiries, please use the form below.